
The Redeemer's Charge Against His Declining Churches

Author: Benjamin Wallin

Published: 1748

Copyright: Mixed | Copyright Notice

Format:   ePUB | Kindle

Subject: Ecclesiology (The church)


In this exposition of Revelation 2:4-5, Benjamin Wallin (1711-1782), pastor of the Maze Pond Baptist Church in Southwark, England, pointedly describes a church who had left her first love. The exhortation provided in this short volume is no less timely for churches today. The worldliness, lack of zeal, and complacency rebuked by Wallin in this sermon provide a piercing rebuke to the Lord's churches in the 21st century. What Wallin saw as alarming and dangerous in the 18th century is heightened in the coldhearted worldliness and formalism of many Baptist churches today. This book serves as a sobering reminder to the churches of this age among whom the Lord Jesus walks.