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John's Baptism

Author: James Robinson (J. R.) Graves

Published: 1891

Copyright: Mixed | Copyright Notice

Format:   ePUB | Kindle

Subject: The Church (Ecclesiology)


J. R. Graves was a Baptist pastor in the southern United States who wrote a number of books related to ecclesiology during the 19th century.  Graves took a strong stance in support of local-only ecclesiology and wrote a number of books on the subject. Scriptural authority for baptism has become a neglected consideration among most Baptist churches in the 21st century. In this book, Graves presents the questions to be answered: "John's Baptism: Was it from Moses or Christ? Was it Jewish or Christian?" He argues for the authority for baptism and for the mode of baptism, and challenges the Protestant view that John's baptism was different from Christian baptism in the current dispensation.