In God's providence and by His grace, Headwaters Baptist Church was planted in Dufferin County, Ontario in 2016 as a result of the prayers and efforts of Toronto Baptist Church.
In 2015, while members of Toronto Baptist Church were praying that God would provide them the opportunity to plant a scriptural Baptist church, the Lord led a small group of believers from Dufferin County to join Toronto Baptist Church, praying for a doctrinally sound Baptist church to be started in the Shelburne area of Dufferin County.
Meetings began in an area home in December 2015 and the unaffiliated Baptist church was formally planted March 27th 2016 consisting of five baptized members whose desire was to continue "stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine."
The entire process from the first discussions to the planting of this New Testament assembly was marked by the providential working of God, who repeatedly moved in incredible ways related to job situations, finances, and a spirit of unity to give His blessing to the establishment of another scriptural Baptist church. The night before the church's first official meeting, the electricity went out (and remained out for the inaugural meeting on the following Lord's Day) so that preparation and study for the preaching services had to be conducted by candlelight. It seemed fitting that a primitive means of study took place prior to the establishment of another Baptist church committed to the primitive doctrines of the New Testament!
Headwaters Baptist Church adheres to and contends for the historic Baptist distinctives as representing the Christianity taught in the New Testament. We are not affiliated with any particular Bible College, Seminary, Fundamentalist network, or organized denomination. Headwaters Baptist Church is simply the fruit of one New Testament Baptist church reproducing another in obedience to the Great Commission.
The term "independent Baptist" has described a movement in recent times that has often been rightly and regrettably characterized as "a mile wide and an inch deep," embracing many forms of false doctrine, perversions of the Gospel, and shallow theology foreign to the historic positions and doctrines of Baptist churches throughout the centuries. It is the prayer of the pastor and members of Headwaters Baptist Church that this church continues to hold fast to the apostolic doctrines contained in the Scriptures, and that the Bible remain the sole authority for faith and practice in the church, keeping a pure light shining from one of the Lord Jesus' golden candlesticks.
"Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Eph. 3:21)